Monday, February 24, 2014

WONKA "Missing Mouths" Problem/Solution

The "Gobstopper sequence was working out great until just recently I was working on the "I'm a trifle deaf in this ear" and some how mouths that I was copying over to be use disappeared from the the other scenes.  After giving it a great deal of thought I came to the conclusion that I had just better use "Time Machine" the problem.

I went back earlier that after noon before I started working and then found the Gobstopper Photoshop file. I clicked on it and it asked if I wanted to "keep both copies" so I did and now I have the file without any mistakes and the one with mistakes and the new work.

Anyways I am now using two files for one sequence. I erased all the frames that had the missing mouths and was not about to sit and redue it when I have it saved correctly on a separate file.  I added some title ideas with animated wheel and spinning logo that I had been thinking about doing for a while and it came out great!

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