Thursday, October 01, 2009

Story Endings

Every great story I remember has a memorable ending. It gives you a feeling that makes you feel wonderful walking out of the theatre. Other ones maybe disturbing and keep you thinking about how all the story lines added up to give you that ending. Who wants a predicable ending!? Or even worse, an ending that you don't believe and you end up walking out shaking your head saying to yourself, why the hell did I sit thru all that waiting for that crappy ending!

But my favorite movie endings are ones that leave it open for more story. You feel apart of the story and want it to continue. Even a movie ending that will keep you hanging or "to be continued" is pleasing I an odd sorta way. But what I really like is an ending that I didn't expect, a twist or something that makes mad because you didn't see it coming!

They give you all the for shadowing but don't explain it until the end and you finally feel a relief. Hitchcock was a master at storytelling and their endings. The curve ball that throws out everything you thought was true turns out to be false and what was false become the truth.

I am currently thinking of rewriting the ending to my story because I think it's too predicable. I like to explore some other options before settling on just one. My story can be found at but there are some clues you will have to solve before you'll find it.

At the end of film they seem to play up the 'out-takes" alot lately. Like most people I think we like watching them. The Jackie Chan movies seemed to have great ones as well as Jim Carey.
Moments are

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