Mr. Jinks whisker study. I have a hard time drawing whiskers on my character
Extra Tall Cat so I thought I would do some study on how
Hanna Barbara did theirs. I learned what a big nose Mr. Jinks has. and how much the facial elements really do
feel like a real cat.

They kept the whisker out of the way of the mouth and eyes, (except for the side-view above). The
Bow-Tie is always front view messing with no collar. If there was a collar it's hidden. He never is seen from the back like on
the Simpsons. I made me notice how much I mess around with suspenders and fabric on the hat and on the pants . . etc. . . .
. . . these drawings all have ONLY three lines to describe the body!
This wobbly mouthed character was a perfect study to tone down Laughing Larry's wobble mouth. Notice when he's laughing the wobble shape does not get even more wobbly. On other hand, it depends on the voice and how it works with the acting.
Other characters with this "wobbly mouth" Wally Gator, Snaggle Puss and Snookles who's on the post below.
1 comment:
Revision: Thank you, these were copied from pausing a cartoon on television.
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