Thursday, October 16, 2008


Original Photoshop Size 5 1/4 by 7.5

Here is  a scan I did which default forced me to use "TIFF" in order to get it directly over into PS so I can crop  fix color and change for my needs of inspiration. 9.2 MB.  This was too big when I tried to upload it took too long.   

I now went back to the original and pressed "save as" to save as a "jpeg" setting best as possible under settings. 1.2 MB. The upload time was longer than 30 seconds in fact it took over a minute which is ridiculous! Gave me some time to correct some type-os. Finally at 20 minutes it said "Can't Open Image".  &%$#@!!!

Here is the same scan although I saved it as a Photoshop document. The file size is larger 14 MB. The reason for this test is to find out which scanned items open larger and which do not on Blogger.

Both of these seem to take a about three minutes or longer to upload.   Blogger does not show you how long it take to upload which I find you have to kind of guess.   Can you imagine if you guessed which freeway to take!

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