"Invention Room" (Rough)
Remember to listen to the soundtrack before doing too much work, it gives you exactly what you need to make the scene work. The scene I've been working on contains four characters all with dialogue. I choose it because the science lab bottles were so beautiful in the original movie I wanted to draw them. I had never done a translucent bottle and thought I'd be up for the challenge. Funny the dialogue lined up almost perfect after just setting up the mouths.
"Dodo Denny Full-Head Turnaround"

Later I had trouble with Dodo turning her head and did some extensive head turn around for 4 or 5 hours. This may have been excessive but I don't think I've ever done full turn arounds before and it was really hard.
The frame sizes of each scene seems to have changed since I checked the size option and DPI. This worries me but when I've watched the final animation on Apple TV, all appears to look alright. I may be getting some criticism for no originality but I want see this and no one else is going to do it.
"Naughty Nasty" (silent)
I was quite surprised to see how good this scene turned out. All my hard work must have started to pay off. The dialogue lined right up with the mouths and expressions were simple and perfect.
"The beauty is in the simplicity."
- Eric Abrahamson
Mouth Chart updated, these mouths work but line up the neck is a pain in the @#$!@@!!!
Oh and make sure the upper teeth are alined!!